Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bridge & stumps panorama

Ladybug visit

Yesterday's sunset colors...

All alone...

Shane's Baptism...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunsets in Fort Stevens...

Kayla and I went on our 2nd photo session to the falls.. then to Ft. Stevens when the sun was about to set.. captured a few while she was getting ready here and there... The last one is her =P, that one is just for fun.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

House, streets and more...


White streets

Heart shapes



Poor unfortunate maple leaf

Random pics

Tree house across the street...

Holly berries

Snow day 1/11/07

Jojo sitting with "Adam" and his apple =P

Here kitty kitty..

Tiny pretending to push jojo

Bro in law was shaking the tree and the kids were standing under it...

getting snowed on

Jojo pushing off the snow on the ramp

I made this snowman.. too bad his head rolled off after I left him =(.

Maya checking out the snow

Friday, January 05, 2007

3rd place

My coworker made me enter a local photo contest and I made her choose the photos to enter. Well. I got 3rd place and another photo of mine made the final 10. So basically I had 2 photos I took in the newspaper. Pretty cool =P

Photo contest

Monday, January 01, 2007

The look...

Muttu muttu muttu...!

The look of 2007

Not bad for Jan 1st...

I went to bed a little after midnight cuz I couldn't sit through a movie we were watching... Slept real good, woke up around 8:30ish. All set for new day. Got a surprising news... Will post about it later... Went to church, pigged out and talked about ghosts. Not a bad start to a new year. :)


We went to church this morning.. and during the middle of it, jojo yells out "somebody farted!" and he kept saying it louder and louder, that was so hilarious!

New year wish list

My list for this year:

* carry camera with me all times
* be out taking photos as much as possible
* be optimistic (this one's a toughie)
* spend less
* week vacation on april for b'day. destination yet to be determined
* work on this list...

2006 shocker...

2 things shocked me last year...

1. Saddam Hussein's death
2. Steve Irwin's death


Is it too late for me to ask what happened to year 2006? It went too fast for my liking. The holidays came and sped before I could blink my eyes!!!

Oh well. Let's see how this year is gonna be... 2006 sorta left a very bad taste in my mouth.