Taking pictures always cherries me up... get it? he he he!
Obviously I had idle hands and they decided to kidnap a small bowl of cherries for my one purpose (other than eating)...
What I learnt is that... Cherries are not that good looking, they taste good, but they don't exactly look great when photographed.. perhaps I should go get the yellowy kind...
My setup was basic... I just wanted a good picture for my portfolio.
The first one I took it on the dinning table, I used the table placemat and found a tiny brown basket, wanted to use some sort of leaf and got tiny flowers to go with it... No flash, only natural daylight... I put water color filter on it, was going for the artsy fartsy deal anyways... This isn't exactly my favorite still life pic...
The 2nd picture is my usual still life with a mirror and my bro's black t-shirt. While I was tryna get a good picture my kitty Tijo and my puppy Maya were fighting like... well, cats and dogs, I saw Tijo slap Maya like a crazy chick slapping a guy in a stupid Indian movie so I had to put them on time out. (Evil cackle). Anyways back to the pic... It's dark and shiny, just the way I like it... I like this better than the one above... But it feels like it's missing something.. hmmmmmmmm!!! I'll just try some other fruit. Conclusion; all that tastes well does not photograph well.
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