Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Something sad happened today... Let me tell you the story.
I was waiting for the school buses, when I saw something small and red fly by and land on the rhodadendren next to me... I confirmed it to be a cute little ladybug. I kept watchful eye on it while talking to a parent... I then quickly snagged the leaf with the lil sucker and ran into the office to find a little home for him. Found a little babyfood jar with no lid and put a sandwich bag over with holes on top.

Kept the sucker safe all afternoon long. Brought him home really carefully... Grabbed my macro lense, went outside, tested out a yellow canna bloom and fiddle the settling... and for the grand and awesome star of the session was getting unravelled. I took him out and put him on the flower... He marched up to the tip of the flower and took off like a bat outta hell!!!!


I literally screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Bahhhh... That stinks!

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