Sunday, September 09, 2007

Body Worlds 3

Where do I begin?! I saw the most awsomest exhibition ever today. Real human bodies fant"art"istically shaped and moulded through Plastination. MAN! It's just beyond words, you just have to go see it for yourself. Sucky part was that no photography was allowed at the viewing... I googled it up, and there some really good ones as the rest. My favorite happens to be THE ARCHER, she's just beautiful! She's got a good brain on her head, seriously now... it was sitting on top of her skull, it made her look like a Japanese warrior woman... Couple of my other faves are MUMMY (he is not... I forgot what he was called =(. He reminded me of a mummy though) and SKINNER (forgot his name too... eep. I hope I don't get hauntings tonight.)
It was definitely worth every dollar and time spent! If there's an exhibition near you, go shooo, what the you waiting for? your body to be plastinated? Go check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dink u r lying. Where r da pics, homes ?