Thursday, October 04, 2007


I wish I was a dude. I dislike having boobies. If it gets stolen or pops I wouldn't miss it one bit. I'd be in great pain... but I'll get over it. Why can't there be a certain size limit to these bombs? They are like damn balloons... expanding!

Dear Lord... Why have you foresaken me? You wouldn't let me have A's in school... Why can't I have A's in BOOBS? WHY WHY WHY?

I feel very weighed down... I feel like I drag on the floor when I walk... I bet I'm short because of these dumbbells. Why can't these be brains like them T-shirt sayings?

Where is the damn deflate button on these things?


Shammi said...

hahahaha... this is something I've asked myself since I was 15! :D

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, i hate you. I'm 25 years old and i can't even fill up an A cup. :(