Sunday, May 29, 2005

Ahhh... get it offfffffff!!!! get it offfffffffffffffffff!!!!!

I had a strange dream... as usual.

First half of it was just me driving around aimlessly... Seems like I was going through the same roads, over and over and over... it was like I was stuck in a roundabout and couldnt get out... It invoked alot of anxiety...

Then the second part was... I was going to a professor's house for a dinner party... The house looked like the ones in Maldives, and there was this giant trelis with bouganvillea flowers... I sat around for a bit and wanted to take pictures... (shhh). After eating I walked into the next room... The floor wasnt carpetted, it wasnt hardwood floor either... It was filled with sand. In real life, I love to roam around barefoot and I do so whenever I get a chance... I did the samething in the dream... Soon as my feet touched the sand... I started feeling this crazy feeling inside the foot... I lift up my foot to see several tiny leech type things under the skin... DAYAM!!!! It was like one of those sci-fi movies. The lil flashback or the story for the whole deal is that... There's this guy, he's a bit kookoo... He ended up killing his family/friends, and their blood splattered in the sand and got mixed up... And their blood contains these crazy skin burrowing leeches. So back to my and my foot. I started panicking, and I tried to stop the leeches from burrowing further, so I got a little knife and started cutting an opening where the lil bulges are and kept getting them out, and seems like everytime I cut and pulled the things out there seems to be more and more and more and more burrowing around under my skin. BLood EVERYWHERE. Spilling... dark. red. blood. EVERYWHERE.

I'm glad it was just a stupid dream *shiver*.


Harish said...

"BLood EVERYWHERE. Spilling... dark. red. blood. EVERYWHERE."

so dreams arent in Black n White afterall! :)

Shammi said...

ugh... horror sci-fi... glad it wasnt MY dream!

Orange Fronkey said...


when I woke up, I was having second thoughts about roaming around the house without any slippers on...

But eventually I forgot =P