Thursday, June 09, 2005


This one got red eyes... oooOO


This one is grey... or is it gray?


Two of them! The sunlight was really harsh... Ahh..


Bug on a stick... I like this one.. But... the lil guy is not much in focus...


Shammi said...

I like the bug on a stick too :) It's difficult to focus on transparent little things, isnt it?

pk said...

love the bug on the stick :) the little hints of blue over green awesome.

Orange Fronkey said...

Me like bug on a stick as well...

The dude saw me adn started tittering around... Finally settled on the sticks... I'm surprised I can actualy see the lil dinghie on teh stick even though the focus is not perfect... I mean he did choose a stick that was kinda far from reach... stupid lil bugger.