Saturday, June 11, 2005


My friend and I had the joy of experiencing Japanese Garden life... It was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Anyways, I put up pictures... there's like 14 from the Japanese Garden... and a few of other stuff... But they are pushed into the archives... so be sure to check the whole thing =)

Now I must go sleep... Or I'll sleep through my graduation. Although I dont think that's a bad thing, but my family will kick my ass...



Harish said...

nice pics :)

Blogger Settings-la increase the number of posts we can view. Some pics have already gone into archives!

btw, Japanese Garden-na I thot remote amukina poo pookum! :)

pk said...

Gorgeous Photos.

Orange Fronkey said...


Soke-u? (joke)

Yeah I increased the post display =)



Thank you :)